Chapitres / Chapters

Lazega, E. (2024), “Jugements de pertinence et retournements casuistiques individuels : Approches néo-structurale d’une décision judiciaire”, in  Patrick Castel et Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel (Dir.), A la recherche de la décision : Etudes de cas en sciences sociales, Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, p.139-155

Lazega, E. (2023), “L’analyse des réseaux sociaux pour la théorie de la régulation“, in R.Boyer, J.-P.Chanteau, A.Labrousse, Th.Lamarche (Eds), Théorie de la régulation, un nouvel état des savoirs, Dunod, p.180-186

Lazega, E. & Wang, P. (2023), Multilevel Network Analysis, in McLevey, J., Scott, J. & Carrington, P.J. (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, London, Sage, p.455-473

Lazega, E. & Lachapelle, F. (2023), “Collegial Oligarchy and Democratic Deficit in Emerging Transnational Institution-Building – The Case of European Patent Judges Assembled at the Venice Forum (2009)”, in L.Desaunettes-Barbero, Visscher, A.Strowel & V.Cassiers (Eds), The Unitary Patent Package & Unified Patent Court – Problems, Possible Improvements and Alternatives, Roma: Ledezioni, open access: Ledizioni website and the Open Access page on Zenodo, pages 97-122

Lazega, E. (2022), “Collegiality in Public Management”, in K.Schedler (Ed), Encyclopedia of Public Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publisher, Pages 141-145

Benamouzig, D. et Lazega, E. (2022), “Routines bureaucratiques et innovations collégiales”, in O.Borraz (Réd.), La Société des organisations, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po

Lazega, E. and Jaime Montes-Lihn (2021), “On Macropolitics of Knowledge for Collective Learning in the Age of AI-boosted Big Relational Tech”, in Margaret S. Archer & Andrea Maccarini (Eds),  What is Essential to Being Human? Can AI Robots Not Share It? London: Routledge, pages 132-157

Lazega, E. (2021), “Perplexity Logs: On Routinized Certainty Work and Social Consequences of Seeking Advice from an Artificial Intelligence”, in M.Carrigan and D.Porpora (Eds), Post-Human Futures: Human Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence and Social Theory, Abingdon: Routledge, pages 69-91

Lazega, E. (2020), “Networks and Neo-Structural Sociology“, in R.Light & J.Moody (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lazega, E. (2020), “Government by Relational Infrastructures: The Case of the Transnational Institutionalization of the European Unified Patent Court”, in E.Brousseau, J.-M.Glachant & J.Sgard (eds), Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Tubaro, Paola, Lazega, E., Lise Mounier, Tom Snijders (forthcoming), “Dynamics of Advice-seeking Networks among Judges at the Commercial Court of Paris”, in Social Network Dynamics by Examples, Edited by Tom A.B. Snijders & Christian E.G. Steglich, Cambridge University Press

Lazega, E. (2020), “Bottom-up collegiality, top-down collegiality, or inside-out collegiality? Analyses of Multilevel Networks, Institutional Entrepreneurship and Laboratories for Social Change”, in Giancarlo Ragozini & Maria Prosperina Vitale (eds), Challenges in Social Network Research, Dordrecht: Springer, pages 17-31.

Al-Amoudi, Ismael and Lazega, E. (2019), “Introduction: Digital society techno-totalitarian matrix“, in Al-Amoudi, Ismael and E.Lazega. (Eds), Post-human institutions and  horganizations: Confronting the Matrix, London: Routledge

Lazega, E. (2019), “Swarm-teams with digital exoskeleton: On new military templates for the organizational society”, in Al-Amoudi, Ismael & E.Lazega (Eds), Post-human institutions and organizations: Confronting the Matrix, Routledge, Pp. 143-161

Lazega, E. (2018), “Participation, top-down collegiality and intermediaries“, in P.Donati (Ed), Towards a Participatory Society: New Roads to Social and Cultural Integration, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences Acta 21, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Pp.482-498

Lazega, E., Mounier, Lise & Lemaire, Sylvan (2017), “Financial pragmatism and bankers’ politics: The duality of the “Zombies” debate in bankruptcy proceedings at the Commercial Court of Paris (2000-2005)”, in V.Boussart (ed), Finance at Work, London: Routledge

Lazega, E. (2017), “Networks and Commons: Bureaucracy, Collegiality and Organizational Morphogenesis in the Struggles to Shape Collective Responsibility in New Sharing Institutions”, in Margaret S. Archer’s (Ed.), Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, Dordrecht: Springer, Vol. V., Pp. 211-237

Glückler, Johannes, Lazega, E. and Hammer, Ingmar (2017), Exploring the Interaction of Space and Networks in the Creation of Knowledge: An Introduction. In J.Glückler, E.Lazega and I.Hammer (Eds), Knowledge and Networks, Springer, Knowledge and Space Series, Vol. 11, Pp 1-21. Open access:

Lazega, E. (2017), “Organized Mobility and Relational Turnover as Context for Social Mechanisms: A Dynamic Invariant at the Heart of Stability from Movement”. In Johannes Glückler, Emmanuel Lazega, and Ingmar Hammer (Eds), Knowledge and Networks, Volume 11 of the series Knowledge and Space, Springer. Pp 119-142. Open access:

Lazega, E. (2016), “Joint ‘anormative’ regulation from status inconsistency: A multilevel spinning top model of specialized institutionalization”, in Margaret S. Archer (ed.), Anormative Regulation in the Morphogenic Society, Springer, pages 169-190

Brailly, Julien, Favre, Guillaume et Lazega, E. (2016), “Organiser la concurrence sur un salon : soutien, discipline et laisser-faire“, in Faire la concurrence : Retour sur un phénomène social et économique, Patrick Castel, Léonie Hénaut et Emmanuelle Marchal (Dir.), Paris, Presses des Mines, Pp. 61-77

Lazega, E. (2017), “Infrastructures relationnelles entre conventions et pratiques“, in Philippe Batifoulier, Franck Bessis, Ariane Ghirardello, Guillemette de Larquier, Delphine Remillon (dir.), Dictionnaire des conventions. Autour des travaux d’Olivier Favereau, collection “Capitalisme-éthiques-institutions”, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion

Lazega, E. (2016), “Synchronization costs in the organizational society: Intermediary relational infrastructures in the dynamics of multilevel networks” in E.Lazega & T.Snijders (eds), Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht: Springer. Pp.47-77.

Lazega, E. & Tom A.B. Snijders (2016), “Introduction”, in E.Lazega & T.Snijders (eds), Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht: Springer. P.1-12.

Lazega, E. & Tom A.B. Snijders  (2016), “Conclusion”, in E.Lazega & T.Snijders (eds), Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht: Springer. P.355-361.

Brailly Julien, Favre Guillaume, Chatellet Josiane, Lazega E. (2016), “Markets as Multilevel Networks“, in Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Lazega E., Snijders Tom A.B. (eds), Dordrecht: Springer. P.245-271.

Favre, Guillaume, Brailly Julien, Chatellet Josiane, Lazega E. (2016), “Inter-organizational network influence on long term and short term inter-individual relationships: The case of a trade fair for TV programs distribution in sub-Saharan Africa”, in  Lazega, E. & Snijders T.A.B., Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht, Springer. Pp. 295-314.

Tranmer, Mark & E.Lazega (2016), “Multilevel Models for Multilevel Network Dependencies“, in E.Lazega & T.Snijders (eds), Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht: Springer. P.107-124.

Žiberna, Aleš & Lazega, E. (2016), “Role sets and division of work at two levels of collective agency: The case of blockmodeling a multilevel (inter-individual and inter-organizational) network“, in E.Lazega & T.Snijders (eds), Multilevel Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Dordrecht: Springer. P.173-209

Lazega, E. (2015), “Dans l’œil du cyclone”, Préface à l’ouvrage de Mohamed Oubenal, La légitimation des produits financiers : Le Réseau de promotuion des Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) en France, Rennes, Editions Management & Société

Lazega, E. (2015), “Body captors and network profiles: A neo-structural note on digitalized social control and morphogenesis”, in Margaret S. Archer (ed.), Generative Mechanisms Transforming the Social Order, Dordrecht: Springer, pages 113-133.  

Lazega, E. (2015), “‘Morphogenesis Unbound’ from the Dynamics of Multilevel Networks: A Neo-structural Perspective”, in Margaret S. Archer (ed.), Late Modernity: Trajectories towards Morphogenic Society, Springer, pages 173-191.

Lazega, E. (2013), “Network analysis and Morphogenesis: A neo-structural exploration and illustration”, in Margaret S. Archer (ed.), Social Morphogenesis, Springer, pages 167-186.

Huault, Isabelle, Lazega, E. & Richard, Chrystelle (2012), “Introduction: The Discreet Regulator“, in Isabelle Huault & Chrystelle Richard (eds), Finance: The Discreet Regulator. How Financial Activities Shape and Transform the World, London: Palgrave-Macmillan, Pages 1-16.

Lazega, E. & Mounier, Lise (2012) “Finance in Public Service: Discreet joint regulation as institutional capture at the Commercial Court of Paris”, in Isabelle Huault & Chrystelle Richard (eds), Finance: The Discreet Regulator. How Financial Activities Shape and Transform the World, London: Palgrave-Macmillan, Pages 164-189.

Penalva-Icher, Elise, Chrystelle Richard, Anne Cazavan-Jeny & Lazega, E. (2012), “Banks as Masters of Debt, Cost Calculators and Risk-Sharing Mediators: A Discreet regulatory Role Observed in French Public-Private Partnerships“, in Isabelle Huault & Chrystelle Richard (eds), Finance: The Discreet Regulator. How Financial Activities Shape and Transform the World, London: Palgrave-Macmillan, Pages 113-133.

Lazega, E., Lise Mounier (2012), “Networks of institutional capture“, in Balazs Vedres & Marco Scotti (eds), Networks in Social Policy Problems, Cambridge University Press, pages 124-137 

Lazega, E. (2012), “Sociologie néo-structurale“, in Razmig Keucheyan et Gérald Bronner (eds), Introduction à la théorie sociale contemporaine, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, p.113-129

Lazega, E., Mounier, Lise, Brandes, Ulrik (2011), “Entrepreneurs institutionnels et « détachement organisationnel » dans la régulation conjointe du monde des affaires : le cas des juges consulaires du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris”, in Ch.Bessy, Th.Delpeuch et J.Pélisse (eds), Droit et régulations des activités économiques, Paris, Editions L.G.D..J., pp. 135-148.

Lazega, E. (2011), “Four and Half Centuries of New (New) Law and Economics: Legal Pragmatism, Discreet Joint Regulation and Institutional Capture at the Commercial Court of Paris”, in Ubaldus de Vries & Lyana Francot-Timmermans (eds), Law’s Environment: Critical legal perspectives, The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, p.179-204

Lazega, E., Lise Mounier & Paola Tubaro (2011), “Norms, advice networks and joint economic governance: the case of conflicts among shareholders at the Commercial Court of Paris”, in Mehmet Ugur & David Sunderland (eds), Does Economic Governance Matter? Governance Institutions and Outcomes, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, Pp. 46-70.

Lazega, E., Lise Mounier, Paola Tubaro (2010), “Dynamique des réseaux sociaux et apprentissage collectif: Le cas du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris” in Gérard Weisbuch et Hervé Zwirn (eds.), Qu’appelle-t-on aujourd’hui les sciences de la complexité? Langages, réseaux, marchés, territoires, Paris, Vuibert.

Lazega, E., Lemaire, Sylvan et Lise Mounier (2010), “Prolonger un contrat contre la volonté d’une des parties ? Un dilemme typique de l’institution consulaire de contrôle social des marchés”, in Armand Hatchuel, Olivier Favereau et Franck Aggeri (eds.), L’activité marchande sans le marché ? Paris, Presse des Mines.

Lazega, E. (2010), “Disciplining a combat tank manufacturer? A tale of lay judges handling punitive claims for moral damages in business”, in Nienke Doornbos, Nick Huls & Wibo van Rossum (eds), Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. J.F.Bruinsma. Rechtspraak van buiten: Negenendertig door de rechtssociologie geïnspireerde annotaties, Amsterdam, Kluwer, pp.169-176.

Lazega, E. et Franck Bessis (2010), “Les coûts cachés de la qualité du travail professionnel : L’entretien de la collégialité et des réseaux sociaux“, in Olivier Favereau, Franck Bessis, Christian Bessy, Camille Chaserant, Sophie Harnay, Lucien Karpik et E. Lazega, Les Avocats entre ordre professionnel et ordre marchand, Paris, Lextenso/Gazette du Palais, pp. 65-82.

Lazega, E. et Lise Mounier (2009), “La rhétorique des professions libérales au service de la privatisation de l’État: le cas des juges consulaires du Tribunal de Commerce français”, in Didier Demaziere et Charles Gadea (eds), Sociologie des groupes professionnels: Acquis récents et nouveaux défis, Edition La Découverte (collection Recherches), p.27-39

Lazega, E. (2009), “Théorie de la coopération entre concurrents : Organisation, marché et analyse de réseaux”, in Philippe Steiner et François Vatin (eds), Sociologie et économie, Paris, PUF, collection Quadrige.

Tubaro, Paola, Lazega, E. & Mounier, Lise (2008), “Further explorations of the spinning top model for de dynamics of advice networks and collective learning”, in Marc Lecoutre et Pascal Lièvre (eds.), Management et réseaux sociaux, Londres, Hermès-Lavoisier

Lazega, E. et Mounier, Lise (2008), “Partage des compétences, quête de statut social et néo-corporatisme au Tribunal de Commerce de Paris”, in Hélène Michel et Laurent Willemez (eds), La justice au risque du profane, Paris, PUF, collection CURAPP.

Rouchier, Juliette, Lazega, E., Mounier, Lise (2007), “Articulation of hierarchy and networks as an evolving social structure“, in T.Terano, H.Kita, H.Deguchi, K.Kijima (eds.), Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems IV, Springer. Pp. 97-104.

Lazega, E., Mounier, Lise et Jourda, Marie-Thérèse (2006), “Capital social et performance scientifique : Une étude de réseaux multi-niveaux de la recherche française sur le cancer (1996-1999)”, in Josep A. Rodriguez (ed.), Sociologia para el futuro, Barcelona, Icaria.

Lazega, E. (2006), “Echanges socio-économiques et analyses de réseaux”, in Norbert Alter (ed), La sociologie du monde du travail, Paris, PUF

Lazega, E. (2006), “Capital social, processus sociaux et capacité d’action collective“, in Antoine Bevort et Michel Lallement (eds.), Capital social : Echanges, réciprocité, équité, Paris, La Découverte, pages 213-225

Lazega, E. (2005), “The theory of collegiality and its relevance for understanding professions and knowledge intensive organizations“, in Thomas Klatetzki & Veronika Tacke (Hrsg.), Organisation und Profession, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pages 221-251.

Lazega, E. (2005), “Les disciplines sociales de l’acteur au travail dans la société organisationnelle“, Cahiers Lillois d’Economie et de Sociologie, 45 :39-64, numéro spécial Action et domination dans les relations de travail, Nicolas Postel et Richard Sobel (eds), Paris, L’Harmattan

Lazega, E. (2004), “Collégialité, relations d’autorité et production de biens d’apprentissage“, in Eric Delamotte (ed), Du partage au marché : regards croisé sur la circulation des savoirs, Lille, Le Septentrion, pages 39-55

Lazega, E. (2003), “Networks in legal organizations: On the protection of public interest in joint regulation of markets”, Oratie for Wiarda Chair, Wiarda Institute Publications, Faculty of Law, Utrecht University

Lazega, E. et Lise Mounier (2003), “La Régulation conjointe du marché: Le cas du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris”, in Bernard Convert (ed), Repenser le marché, Paris : L’Harmattan, p. 109-137.

Lazega, E. et Mounier, Lise (2003), “Quand l’Etat se retire du contrôle de l’économie, qui prend le relais ?“, in Jean Crête (ed.), Hommage à Vincent Lemieux : La science politique au Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, pages 155-78

Lazega, E. (2003), “Pour une sociologie de la société organisationnelle“, in Hommages en l’honneur de Christian Lalive d’Epinay, Presses de l’Université de Genève.

Lazega, E. & Favereau, Olivier (2002), “Introduction”, in Olivier Favereau & E. Lazega (eds), Conventions and Structures in Economic Organization: Markets, Networks, and Hierarchies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, pages 1-28.

Lazega, E. & Mounier, Lise (2002), “Interdependent entrepreneurs and the social discipline of their cooperation: The research program of structural economic sociology for a society of organizations“, in Olivier Favereau & E. Lazega (eds), Conventions and Structures in Economic Organization: Markets, Networks, and Hierarchies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, pages 147-199

Lazega, E. (2002), “Networks, Distributed Knowledge and Economic Performance: Evidence from Corporate Legal Services”, in Jean Gadrey & Faïz Gallouj (eds.), Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lazega, E. (2002), “Réseaux et capacité collective d’innovation : l’exemple du brainstorming et de sa discipline sociale”, in Norbert Alter (ed), Les Logiques de l’innovation, Paris, La Découverte.

Lazega, E. et Pattison, Philippa (2001), “Social Capital as Social Mechanisms and Collective Assets: The Example of Status Auctions Among Colleagues”, in Nan Lin, Karen Cook, & Ronald Burt (eds), Social Capital: Theory and Research, New York:  Aldine-de Gruyter, Pp.185-208.

Lazega, E. (1999), “Generalized Exchange and Economic Performance: Multi-Level Embeddedness of Labor Contracts in a Corporate Law Partnership”, in Corporate Social Capital and Liabilities, Roger Leenders & Shaul Gabbay (eds), Boston, Kluwer, Pp. 237-65.

Lazega, E. (1997), “Network analysis and qualitative research: A method of contextualization“, in Gale Miller & Robert Dingwall (eds), Context and Method in Qualitative Research, Londres, Sage.

Lazega, E. (1983), “Introduction à l’ouvrage de Franco Ferrarotti”, in Franco Ferrarotti, Histoire et histoires de vie, Paris, Klincksiek.